Video NPR
Irfan Essa
Kihwan KimSamsung Partners:
Ho Kyung Kim, DongMan KimResearch Project Already Completed under STAR Center:
Non-photorealistic Rendering of Images/Videos (August 2007 to August 2008)
Georgia Tech PI: Irfan Essa
Students: Kihwan Kim
Samsung Technical POC: Ho Kyung Kim
The goal of this project was to
- Develop an INTEGRATED system for
- Generating high quality NONPHOTOREALISTIC (NPR) Images and Videos from User Captured Content
- Provide for variety for styles and medium of NPR
- Support Video NPR with motion coherence (so as to see limited shimmer/jitter)
- Work with SAMSUNG to study deployment in MOBILE domain.
- Developed a software platform using OpenCV and OpenGL to support video and image processing.
- Developed two different painterly effects
- Oil Paining
- Water Color Paining
- Oil Painting: Algorithmic Improvements
- Color Modification driven by a flow field/stream.
- Improved RBF to lock on the flow streams used to layout the brush strokes.
- Improved the vector field measurement in an image at multiple resolutions to develop flow
- Improve Optical Flow algorithm and made it more robust
- Three different Optical Flow algorithms are applied. (Black’s,Lukas-kanade’s and Horn’s methods) Each approach has clear trade-offs :
- speed vs quality of motion vectors.
- Oil Painting: System Improvements
- Lab-level application and settings
- Changed to simple settings and Windows UI (Dialog based project in Visual Studio format)
- All equations and formula using heavy library such as Intel Math Kernel Library -> changed to light “lapack” library
- Establishing linear equations for making RBF is changed
- Whole systems are changed using only OpenCV and lapack
- Water Coloring: Improvements/Developments
- Color Modification driven by various processes applied to image (eg., gradient, noise, edges, morphology, texture)
- Loosely based on Curtis et al. [1997], Bousseau et al [2007].
- Implemented full pipeline with Perlin noise, procedural texture synthesis, morphology.
- Works on images and video
- Dispersion effect are applied by using RBF