Super Chip for Extreme Scale Commuting and Immersive Applications
Period of performance: 9/23/2011 to 03/31/2012
Jongman Kim, ECE
Georgia Tech PI: Jongman Kim, ECE
Students: :
Project Goals
Well-orchestrated fusion of digital devices, broadband communications, media and service has signaled the beginning of a digital revolution in the way information and media are connected, stored, and inter-operated. In the portable devices, this has started to become reality with the appearance of pervasive interactive systems that deliver gaming, music, video, and web browsing capabilities with the integration of seamless connectivity. Especially, Augmented Reality (AR) is a recent research thrust in which a virtual world is overlaid on top of the real world. Instead of the completely immersive environment of virtual reality, augmented reality attempts to use the flexibility of the digital world to enhance the real world environment. The interactive AR Systems enable users to maintain the context of their surrounding environment, utilizing the benefit of multimodal sensory input and information. New AR-related activities include mixed virtual reality, semi-immersive video games, and training. This digital convergence platform is built from an architecture that combines a general purpose CPU, GPU and customized HW engines that share the computing load.
In recent years, a few trials have been conducted to explore the advantage of distributing multimedia processing over CPU and Manycore. We propose a power-efficient heterogeneous multicore technology to be used in portable digital convergence devices to process various kinds of data and to deliver massively parallel architecture utilizing using GPU-CPU-Hardware accelerators.
In this project, we will explore innovative strategies to design and manage advanced hybrid architectures in three major applications;
- Service convergence (entertainment, communication, social network service),
- Media convergence (video, audio, text, hypermedia),
- Control and interface convergence (multi-modal interfaces, augmented reality).