Mobile Cloud: Marrying Smart Phones and Utility Computing (2011 GRO project)
Period of performance: 11/1/2011 to 10/31/2012
Umakishore Ramachandran
Georgia Tech PI: Umakishore Ramachandran, COC
Students: : Dave Lillethun and Kirak Hong
Project Goals
- Conduct measurements to understand the “pressure points” on the cloud infrastructure, i.e., the processing, memory, network, and storage bandwidth needed for large-scale computationally demanding streaming applications.
- Evaluate alternatives and come up with an architecture for the Mobile Cloud that addresses the challenges in marrying smart mobile platforms with utility computing framework represented by the cloud. Specifically, this exploration will have several facets including:
- Sensor discovery, registration, and naming, including intelligent filtering at the edge of the network (i.e., at the smart phones and smart cameras) to reduce infrastructure overload.
- Novel programing models and runtime systems, which are resource-aware, location-aware, and context-aware, for stream data transport and management.
- Efficient distributed resource management to optimize figures of merit meaningful to situation awareness applications such as end-to-end latency from sensing to actuation.