Design and Development of Software Systems for Embedded Heterogeneous Architectures (April 2012-March 2013)
Hyesoon Kim, COC
Georgia Tech PI: Hyesoon Kim, COC and Sudhakar Yalamanchili
Students: : Joo Hwan Lee, Jin Wang, Kaushik Patel
Project Goals
The data intensive nature of emerging embedded applications such as real-time processing of rich media content such e.g., video and games, has led to the emergence of heterogeneous mobile platforms that couple GPU architectures with mainstream general-purpose cores. However, the programming languages and their implementations remain a challenging barrier to their widespread adoption and efficient use. Language extensions such as OpenCL developed originally for the desktop and server markets are too heavy weight for the mobile market. It has high overhead for launching kernels and also high communication overhead between CPUs and GPUs. The project addresses this challenge by seeking new programming platforms similar to OpenCL but optimized for mobile platforms. The main goal of this project is the design and development of a software system targeted for mobile heterogeneous computing platforms. The software system will be loosely based on the OpenCL language but will be specialized to meet the unique needs of mobile heterogeneous computing systems. The software system is called “LCL” (Light-CL).
Scope of the work
(1) LCL design
(2) LCL run-time system implementation
Figure 1 LCL software architecture
Figure 2 LCL run-time system infrastructure